Course Program:
- Logic and Proof
- Sets and Functions
- Binary Relations
- Algebraic Structures
- Integers, Division, Primes
- Series and Sums
- Induction and Recursion
- Counting
- Recurrence Relations
- Graphs
- Trees
- Text Book
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5e; Grimaldi; Addison-Wesley, 2004; [ QA39.2 .G7478 2004]
Reference Books:
* Introduction to Discrete Structures; Preparata & Yeh; Addison-Wesley, 1973, [QA162.P7]
* Applied Abstract Algebra; Lidl & Pils; Springer-Verlag, 1984, [QA162.L53]
* Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6e ; Rosen; McGraw-Hill, 2007, [QA39.3.R67 2007]