Customer Driven Dynamic Pricing Platform (CuPri)

E-commerce, as preferred by many internet users, is growing each day. Because of the market share growth and the opportunities that it embraces, many new companies are involved to this game to be part of it. Despite the increasing number of companies, the style of services doesn't fundamentally change. A common methodology used is to provide a service or product (which is bought with advantages of cumulative numbers) with lowest possible price. This model is an application of conventional commerce on internet. Social media, blogs and analogical comparison web sites help consumers to find cheaper prices for any product. Customers nowadays have advantage of buying a product / service via internet without even getting out of their houses. But this is a one way process which means retailers share their prices and the consumers prefer it or not. Besides providing the best price, e-commerce doesn't serve the products / services that customer exactly wants. A new contrary platform that; - collects specific product request, - specify its price, - uses the advantages of the mass demand, - helps companies understand what customers really want, - controls the total request and price balance - analysis requests and price correlation, - sends sms / email at different steps of the process, is required. Thus, will be the project idea that we will be working on. We would prefer to have development in Microsoft .NET Environment and Microsoft SQL as database for this web based project, but we are open to discussion.

Funding Institution: 


Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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